Thursday, September 26, 2013

Frugal Mommy Friday ~ Dating on the cheap

Sometimes we all need a night out, whether it be a girls night, or a romantic evening with the significant other in our lives. But, date nights can be expensive and are not always in the budget. Here is a list of creative, fun, and budget friendly date ideas. So now there is no excuse. Go out, and have some fun!

Fort for a night ~ Remember building forts with blankets, pillows, couch cushions, and chairs? Well it's time to turn back the clock... build an amazing blanket fort in the living room or bedroom, and have a "camp out" spend the entire night hiding within the walls of the fort built by you.

The adventures of the invisible man ~ a silly adventure which creates a fun story. Grab a camera, and a pair of shoes. Drive around town having fun with the invisible man making sure to take pictures along the way. Use the pictures to write a documentary all about your date with the invisible man and keep it to read again later when you need a laugh.

Test drive five ~ Although you may not be able to buy a car, there is no harm in test driving one (or five) - go to various dealerships which offer free test drives, and drive various vehicles the more expensive and outrageous the better.

Coupon Date ~ check the news paper, internet, and magazines. Find coupons for all sorts of great things, get creative, and have fun. The only rule for the night is you must have a coupon for everything you do. For example discount movie tickets, restaurant coupons, etc.

B is for Broke... The broke date ~ B stands for broke, and budget but there are lots of great things B can stand for as well. on this broke (budget) date do only things which start with B.
For example Burgers for dinner, Blow bubbles, play Bingo, Bumper cars, Bad movies, etc.

Let's go fly a kite ~ Go out and buy a cheap kite (or 2) head to your local park, and spend the afternoon flying kites. Make it more interesting with a kite race. Loser owes the winner a backrub

Night as kids ~ Fast food (junk food) dinner followed by playing in the park, and finish off the evening by catching cheesy kiddy movies and cartoons - the sillier the better.

Garage Sale scavenger hunt ~  Together make a list of things to search for, the list can be as serious, silly, or totally extravagant as you would like. After your list is made, head out on a hunt. Check out local garage sales, resale shops, flee markets, and try to buy as many of the items on your list for the least amount possible.

The dollar description ~ Each person is given $3.00 and has to choose three dollar store items they feel somehow describes the other person.

Crazy dinner ~ Each person has $10.00 to spend on only food items at the grocery store, buy whatever items looks tasty to you without knowing what the other person is purchasing. Come home, and prepare a meal created only of the items the two of you bought on your shopping trip.

Are there any creative and budget minded dating ideas you would like to add? Come on, let your creativity flow

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