Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Mommy Inspiration ~ The "specialist mom"

You're the SPECIALIST mom in the world! What wonderful words to hear! My daughter who has inherited a "craft" gene that somehow bypassed me, wrote those words on an elaborate card she proudly made all by herself. As I was reorganizing my many piles the other day, I rediscovered those beautiful words and her creative handiwork. Reading them made me stop and think not just of her, but how blessed I really am to be a mom. I see the smiles on my kids' faces as we spontaneously pile into the car for ice cream. Their joy as they come to the table to see their "favorite food" for dinner, their excitement to see me after I have gone on an event, or even just a long day. Small things, but these are powerful reminders that my presence in their lives is making a difference for always.
I sometimes have days that make me feel as if I'm standing next to a merry-go-round, trying to grab hold of a horse to get on. However, the merry-go-round keeps spinning faster and faster, and no matter what I do, it keeps getting away. When the laundry is piled high, there are too many carpools to drive, and I'm at yet another meeting where I need to be more than physically present - it on those days that I need the reminder, "You're the 'specialist' mom in the world!" That is what stops the merry-go-round just long enough for me to get on and appreciate the rich colors and variety that my life as a mom has to offer. Take a minute today to "enjoy the ride" with your child.
Source; "Mom you make a difference" Author -Michele Hall

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