Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday ~ Toxicity

If we are honest we must admit that we all do it. We may not want to do it, and we strive not to but from time to time we carry around anger. We are angry because someone cut in line at the bank when we were already waiting an hour. We are angry because someone hurt us. We are angry because... Well, frankly life just isn't fair.  And, it is ok to be angry. After all anger is a perfectly acceptable human emotion. There is no need to feel shame over our anger. However, it is important when we realize when our anger is turning toxic.

Overtime anger can grow and quickly turn into something far less harmless. Anger can become a toxic monster draining us of happiness, and robbing us of so much. This is why we must learn to let go of anger. We must realize that being angry hurts no one but ourselves. The woman who cut in front of you in line at the bank does not care that you are angry. She is busy going about her day and likely doesn't even know that she disrupted yours.

Those people who hurt you, or perhaps weren't there when you needed them most, are going on with their lives.  Your anger is not stopping them from enjoying their life. It is however stopping you from enjoying yours. You are not punishing them, and the only one who feels badly is you.

Yes, it is hard to let go of anger, especially when no apology was ever offered. Perhaps you feel that if the offender would simply offer a sincere apology you could go on with your life. However, while you are busy holding on to anger, and waiting for an apology which may never come, you are becoming toxic. People around you may become more distant and soon you may realize that you just aren't the person you once were.

Don't let your anger make fill you with toxicity. While it may be one of the hardest things you have ever done. You must learn to accept an apology that was never offered. You must learn to forgive, and in the process you will learn to let go of the anger. Trust me, you will be a much happier person, and have a much happier life when anger is no longer a factor, and you are free from toxicity.

Thoughts for Thursday is a weekly column written by founder Kimbra
mother of 4 and author of Mommy's Rambles  

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