Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Launch date approaching

Our launch date is getting closer. We are now only 13 days from our official site launch. We would like to thank all of those who have already shown your support of Project Warrior Mom by helping us to get the word out. We would also like to thank all of you who have already submitted your stories, we are so excited to feature them!

Project Warrior Mom is of course all about honoring amazing moms who have conquered tremendous battles for their children, as well as outreaching a helping hand to all of those mothers who are still fighting their battles.

 It is our dream that Project Warrior Mom will be a place of refugee for moms of all shapes and sizes. Because of this, we will also have two weekly special segments. Monday Mommy Inspiration; which will offer inspirational stories, poetry, pictures, etc. to help moms start their week off on a positive vibe.  We will also have Frugal Mommy Friday; which will offer tips and tricks on saving money, making money, and stretching a penny.

Thank you again for your support. We are looking forward to our launch date with eager anticipation, and looking forward to becoming a place all Warrior Moms can be proud of!

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