Thursday, August 15, 2013

We want to hear from you!

Are you a warrior mom? Have you struggled with motherhood more than most? Have you overcome major mountains to become the mother you are today? Have you struggled with alcohol or drug dependency, poverty, severe, chronic, or terminal illness? What about domestic abuse, homelessness, single parenting, or other trials? Do you know someone who has? Project Warrior Mom is all about honoring those amazing mothers who have climbed mountains for their babies, and helping those who are still climbing and still fighting... We want to hear YOUR stories! We want to honor you! We want to help you! If you or someone else you know is a warrior mom, please send us your story.
Project Warrior mom is all set to launch September 1, 2013 and we are looking forward to honoring and helping you!

** Names can be changed if you would like remain anonymous.
** Please submit stories to

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