Saturday, August 31, 2013

Warrior Mom; Sarah

Sarah's Story

I am the 44 yr. old mother of three and I just do what I have to do and follow our family motto;

"Keep On Keepin On"

On January 15th of last year at 10:30pm the police knocked on my door and informed me that they needed my 14yr. old son, he had text all his friends saying good bye. Little did I know my son who was asleep on the couch had planned to take his life. The police woke my son up and took him to the hospital for evaluating. It was fourteen hours later before I knew anything more. After talking with the doctors and my son the decision was made that he would be transferred to a hospital three hours away.

I immediately put my life on hold to make sure my son received the best care available. I had not been on my job long enough for FMLA so all I could do was step away and give up a really good, great paying job. Once he came home I was there each day after school doing my best to encourage him as he continued his downward fall to rock bottom.

Without my job I was forced to close up my house, and move in with my in laws. My husband works in Alaska and I was on my own to figure it out. While living with my in laws I continued to seek help for my son who was not only cutting his arms from shoulder to wrist but choking himself by putting a belt around his neck.

 By the end of March he had to be hospitalized again. Twice a week for 95 days I drove 6 hours round trip to visit my son while trying to still be mom for my other children and grandchildren. I have gone through our life savings on my son's medical bills. Have not been able to return to work because my son can't be left without supervision for more than a few hours at a time and I've had to homeschool him.

We now know he suffers from Major Depressive Disorder and Sensory Processing Disorder everyday is a new adventure, but I'm mom so I wake up each day thankful for my God given adventure skills. I also have a son who had a nervous break down at 22 and a bi-polar daughter with a high risk pregnancy my husband is away working 9 months out of this year and my family is 14 hours away. If this makes me a warrior fine, it's been worth the battle.

My children My world!

Warrior Story written in Warrior's own words, anonymity was requested

For a related story, check out Jean's Story


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